How do I remove an Epic from Planning Board?

Emily Donze February 10, 2015

I closed an epic and all related stories and the epic is still showing on the Planning Board. In the past Closed Epics were removed from the Planning Board. What do I do to remove the Closed Epic?

2 answers

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Emily Donze February 12, 2015

The Status of the Epic is Closed. The resolution is Done. My co-worker opened a Support Case. 

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 12, 2015

Hi Emily,

When you say you closed an Epic, you mean that you have Marked the Epic as Done? If you don't mark an Epic as Done, it will still show in the Epic Panel of the board.

If you have marked the Epic as Done then please create a support case with us at so we can further investigate it.



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