How do I export Tasks with the Sub-Task key(s) included in the same row

Joel Hickson
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April 9, 2024

I would like to be able to export all tasks with the subtask keys included in a separate column, separated by commas.  All tasks and subtasks would have identical summary names.  So for example:

If these are the tasks and subtasks:

Issue TypeKeySummary


I want it to export like this:

Issue TypeKeySummarySub-Tasks
TaskIAS-10ApplesIAS-11, IAS-12, IAS-13
TaskIAS-14OrangesIAS-15, IAS-16

2 answers

1 vote
Trudy Claspill
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April 9, 2024

Hello @Joel Hickson 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

What "export" functionality are you trying to use? Are you trying to use the export functionality from the View All Issues screen? If so, Jira does not provide a native method to get the data in the format you desire.

You might be able to construct something appropriate with an Automation Rule that would send you the output via email.

You could have a custom field in the Task where you store a comma separated list of the subtask issue keys. You could populate that field with an Automation Rule.

If you are open to getting a third party app, there might be one available that provides the data formatted in that manner.

0 votes
Hannes Obweger - JXL for Jira
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April 10, 2024

Hi @Joel Hickson

welcome to the community!

Just to add to Trudy's answer, if you're open to solutions from the Atlassian Marketplace, this would be easy to do using the app that my team and I are working on, JXL for Jira.

JXL is a full-fledged spreadsheet/table view for your issues that allows viewing, inline-editing, sorting, and filtering by all your issue fields, much like you’d do in e.g. Excel or Google Sheets. It also comes with a number of so-called smart columns that aren’t natively available, including sub-tasks, number of sub-tasks, and many other related columns.

This is how it looks in action:


As you can see above, you can easily sort and filter by your smart columns, and also use them across JXL's advanced features, such as support for (configurable) issue hierarchies, issue grouping by any issue field(s), sum-ups, or conditional formatting.

Of course, you can also export your data to Excel or CSV in just one click.

Any questions just let me know,



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