How do I create a sub-task?

Trevor Loveland February 16, 2019

How do I create a sub-task?

In previous projects I’ve created using Jira, there is a button next to each task “Create Sub-Task”

I just set up a new project using ‘Next-gen’ which I found to be a lot easier that what I had previously used to.

But then when I try to create a sub-task, the option is not there.

In project settings, I can see ‘Issue types’ and there is ‘Epic’, ‘Story’ and ‘Task’

If I select ‘Add Issue type’ the only one it offers me to add is ‘Bug’

The only help I can find explains how to ‘Enable’ or ‘Disable’ Sub-Tasks. I find that they are already enabled, if select disable, it warns me that I have 160 sub-tasks - Cannot Disable.


So I’ve been going round and round trying to work out how to add sub-tasks to a Task or a Story.

As a check I looked at previously created projects, and they still have the sub-task option.

So I'm totally confused and stuck.

2 answers

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Venugopala Naidu February 16, 2019

Hi @Trevor Loveland

Subtask function not released  yet Next gen jira.JPG

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Ollie Guan
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February 16, 2019

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