How do I create a dashboard of the backlog items?

Lana Ellis February 14, 2019

We have a stack of items in our backlog and wish to create a dashboard for reporting.  In our backlog we have 528 items but no matter how we filter we cannot get that figure to match our search.



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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February 14, 2019

It's a bit difficult because your backlog is determined by several things, and you need to add them together to get it out in other places.

I would

  • Copy your board's filter as the starting point.  That will cover your backlog, but also (probably) done issues and stuff already in sprints.
  • Add a clause to it to match "done" - that is "And status not in (<list of status that are in the right-hand column on your board>)".  For example, "And status not in (done, closed, cancelled)"
  • And then the complicated/optional bit that I can't define for you: How you treat issues that are in sprints.  I can't tell you if you consider future sprints and/or the current sprint to be part of your backlog.  But you can use the functions futureSprints() and openSprints() to exclude them if you need to.
Lana Ellis February 14, 2019

Thanks Nic

I will have a go, thank you.


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