How do I connect an external git repository to Jira Studio?

Steffen Raach
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January 1, 2012

Can you please give me a step by step instruction how I can connect our external git repository to Jira Studio without using elastic bamboo? If this is not possible, we can copy our source to an appropriate place as well.

Do I need FishEye or Bamboo for this? How can I see what is available in our installation?

2 answers

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Steven Line January 9, 2012

I may be asking the same question but am not totally sure about how JIRA integration with an SCM works. We need to see the various checkins associated with a JIRA issue. Does JIRA need to integrate directly with the SCM for this feature, or can JIRA integrate with Fisheye and then Fisheye integrate with the SCM? I know Fisheye integrates with git, so if the latter is the case then we are probably set. If the former is the case (JIRA must speak to git directly) then the functionality we need may not be available.

We are currently using Subversion but would like to transition to git. If JIRA can't yet show what we need we may have to wait.

Thank you.

(This is not an answer it is a question, I'm excited to see what happens here.)

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Michael Knight
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 2, 2012

OnDemand/JIRA Studio currently has limited git connectivity. At the moment there are two ways to use git:

  1. Using git-svn (interacting with SVN using git). You can use a git clone of OnDemand's SVN repo locally/within your organisation, then push to the SVN repo as necessary.
  2. Using JIRA's GitHub Connector, which is bundled with OnDemand and JIRA Studio. Note that this provides only limited integration with JIRA (not the other applications, .e.g Bamboo). However, we are hoping to allow Bamboo to use external repositories (including git repositories) in the future.

I'd encourage you to keep an eye on this issue tracking more support for external repositories.

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