How do I allow public users to see dashboard and items within the dashboard?

Shane Kremer September 24, 2021

I have a dashboard that I want to share with some execs, but don't want to have to deal with them logging into Jira. I've created a simple dashboard with a single widget, which is to view some issues.

  • I edited the permission scheme for the project and gave public access to "Browse Project"
    • "Any logged in or anonymous user can browse this project."
  • I made sure that the query was shared publicly
    • This filter is visible to:
      • Public
  • I made sure that the dashboard was also available publicly


When I try to view the dashboard as an un-authenticated user, I can see the dashboard, but the issue list is emtpy.

Is there an additional permission that I need to grant? This is pretty ridiculous.

3 answers

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Gorka Puente _Appfire_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
May 10, 2022

Hi @Shane Kremer

Jira restricts every piece of content, so if there's anything that an external user cannot see in those issues, then, it won't show anything at all. I've created a simple dashboard too and shared it without luck...

If you are up for a commercial app, we provide one called Dashboard Hub for Jira that lets you share in a secure way any reporting dashboard that you create: Agile Team dashboard, ITSM dashboard, DevOps dashboard

Hope this helps!

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Gamal Ardipratama May 9, 2022

@Shane Kremer same thing happened to me. did you happen to have the solution?

Ryan Lange
I'm New Here
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November 8, 2023

@Shane Kremer We are also experiencing the same issue.  Did you find a solution?

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Alexander Pappert
Rising Star
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September 26, 2021

can you open the filter as un-authenticated user?

what do you see there?

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