How do I add acceptance criteria?

Karen Jung
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March 3, 2015

How can I add a related list of Acceptance Criteria for a User Story?  I want this to be a structured list and not just a bulleted list in the description.  Is that a sub-task is intended for?


2 answers

1 vote
Juan Boscardin August 28, 2015

We created a custom field for our projects, called "Acceptance Criteria" and there we have a textbox like the one of the Description (format is something that the human user must provide, but I'd like to have one pre-formatted too).


Does anyone know if there are plans to have that field to be native in JIRA Agile?

0 votes
Luke Timms March 3, 2015

We use structured descriptions using markup


Given I am a user,
When I do something
Then a thing happens
And also something else
So that I can do something else
-This used to be a requirement-



Acceptance Criteria

* All supported browsers work without issue (/)
* Can I do something? (/)
* Can I do something? (x)
* Can I do something? (/)
* Can I do something? (x)


Additional Detail

Technical Requirements

Please consider points

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