How do I add a step to my dashboard?

Trisha Maxwell April 30, 2019

I'd like to add one more step in my board, and I feel like I've done that but it's not showing up.  

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Jack Brickey
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April 30, 2019

confused. what do you mean by add a "step" in the dashboard? Dashboards have gadgets. Is that what you mean? If so then at the top (if you own the dashboard) you will see "Add gadget"

Trisha Maxwell April 30, 2019

Shoot, sorry, I've edited my question.  I think I mean the "board". 


Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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April 30, 2019

ok, so I assume you wish to add another column and status then? From your image I see it is a business project and you are looking at the default board. To add a column/status you need to edit the workflow and add a new status then publish the workflow.

Trisha Maxwell April 30, 2019

Ok, thank you.  So, I've got it added, but it says "In progress", I guess that's the "status"?  When I added the step, I named it "Ready to Finish", how do I change that status?

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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April 30, 2019

Trisha, I guess I need to better understand your goal here and what you have done. If you want a column to be called Ready to Finish and you want that to be the status then when you add the status to the workflow you should call it "Ready to Finish". The default board that is presented by business projects illustrate the statuses as columns. However, if you want columns to be labeled differently than statuses then you should create an independent Kanban board altogether. When you added a status to your workflow, what did you name it? Maybe you simply accepted the one that popped up and it happened to be "In Progress". You should edit your WF to have only the statuses you need to produce the columns you want. If this isn't making sense please send a snapshot of your workflow. 

Trisha Maxwell April 30, 2019

I think I'm digging myself a hole here.  I did exactly what you thought I did which was click the drop down option of "in Progress" since I hadn't created a new status yet.  Now it's saying I can't change this.  I've attached a screenshot of the column that I want to change the title to.  All I want is for this to be called "Ready to Finish".Board.jpg

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