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  • How could I categorize an issue type(backlog) to sub-task type(improvement or bug) to follow different work flow route

How could I categorize an issue type(backlog) to sub-task type(improvement or bug) to follow different work flow route

Veena Krishnan
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April 12, 2016

My requirment is to categorize a backlog (issuetype)entered to follow two different work flow route(Improvement or Bug) based on the analysis . How could I do this


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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April 13, 2016

Option 1

Create two workflows, one for bug and one for improvement.  Make sure you have both issue types in the project (via the issue type scheme).  Now create a workflow scheme that tells the project to use the bug workflow for bugs and improvement workflow for improvements and associate it with the project.

Your analysis phase should then look at bugs and improvements and if one of them is incorrectly categorised, use the "move" function to change to the other type.

Option 2

Create one workflow that has both sets of status in it.  Create a flag field for subtasks to categorise them as improvement or bug.  Place conditions on the workflow transitions so that when flag = bug, none of the improvement transitions are available, and the opposite for improvements.

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