How can we restrict the More Actions tab to show when an issue is Closed

ab185178 October 18, 2011

How can we restrict the More Actions tab to show when an issue is Closed. Please let me know how can we achieve this?

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ab185178 October 19, 2011

Thanks Jo for the quick answer.

What I'm trying to achieve is to restrict the issue modification i.e. restrict user from editing the issue, and disable the More Actions tab, once the issue is closed.

Please let me know if there is a way to do it and if so, how?


ab185178 October 19, 2011

I have now restricted the issue from being edited. But how can I restricted the user from cloning, linking and moving a closed issue.

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Jo-Anne MacLeod
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October 18, 2011

You can restrict the ability to edit an issue when it is closed, other than that the Available actions are global settings. What specifically were you wanting to restrict.

oh and to restrict the edit the property is jira.issue.editable = false.

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