How can i hide FishEye & Crucible in project and issue view?

Giacomo Zucchelli August 11, 2011


i don't need Crucible and Fisheye informations on my projets because i don't have it.

How can i hide that tabs from project view and issue view for all the users?

Thank you,


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Veenu Bharara
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 14, 2011

JIRA 4.4 :You should n't be seeing the "Source" tab if no project in your JIRA instance is using that. If there is an Applinks for Crucible and Fisheye in JIRA and some other project is using that. In that scenario you can set "Disable for unmapped JIRA Projects" to "On" in Fisheye configuration page in JIRA adminstartion.

Now Source tab will be visible only for the project where its configured.

Giacomo Zucchelli September 18, 2011

ok thanks, maybe i see them because it's an evaluation copy?

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