How can i group my custom fields on View Screen ?

JIRA Autobot November 8, 2011


I have added an new custom field which is basically free text field but it shows up in Details when Viewing issue. Can i create an new group on the View Screen like Description or Details one where i can put my custom field ?


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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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November 8, 2011

I have done this sometime back by modifying the viewissue.jsp. You need to check for the custom field name and add it in a separate section (new div).

You should also make sure the field is not displayed again in Details section by handling it in viewcustomfields.jsp

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JIRA Autobot November 8, 2011


Yeah i was hoping there was an nice solution for this in the admin interface but no. I am not keen to change the jsp file because i don't know what happens in case we upgrade the software if there are changes to this particular file from Atlassian.


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