How can i exclude Users and group during server to cloud migration

muhammad khan
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July 7, 2020

Hi All,

We have recently created our cloud instance for JIRA software. We are migrating selected projects from our Server version to new cloud JIRA instance.

We have redefined our security roles/groups via Atlassian Access & OneLogin SSO.

Now, we also need to migrate couple of Projects from our vendor JIRA server version to our cloud version.

Problem: We don't want vendor users and groups to be migrated across to our cloud instance.

Question: I am unable to find an option to do ONLY project data migration (excluding users and groups) using migration assistant tool.

Does anyone can help me on this issue?

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Ed Letifov _TechTime - New Zealand_
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July 7, 2020

You can't migrate data only, but you can export/import into a temporary Server instance and then disable all vendor users in bulk (you can use our UserManagement for Jira app for that with Bulk User Actions). Feel free to do this on evaluation license but please leave a review on Marketplace?

Alternatively you can use of of the GDPR-related anonymisation plugins to anonymise these users.

Once the users are disabled you can use CSV export to create a file for Atlassian Migration Support to import behind the scenes or provide them with the output of these queries

SELECT email_address AS "email", user_name AS "username", display_name AS "displayname", active AS "active" FROM cwd_user
SELECT DISTINCT parent_name AS "groupname", child_name AS "username" FROM cwd_membership

Any disabled users will be imported into Cloud still, but they will not be given access to your site.

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