How can i assigne (to an assignee) a ticket in service desk ?

Mathieu July 10, 2019

I have given all the authorisations to different groups and users, but i can only assign to jira-administrators.


I can assign the reporter  but not the assignee.


The same authorisation scheme works in projects but not in service desk.


I've deleted / changed / tried to give authorisation but i can't seem to find a way to make it work properly in a service desk.


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Alexey Matveev
Rising Star
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July 10, 2019


In Service desk you should set the Assignable user project permission correctly and the user, who will be assigned, must be a service desk agent.

Mathieu July 10, 2019

The same authorisation scheme works in projects but not in service desk.


I have given all authorisations to 1 user but can't assign him (to assignee) but i can assign him to reporter, this same user can create /modify /delete tickets in that same project but can't assign himself.


If i put this user in the jira-administrators, it then works

Mathieu July 10, 2019

found the missing authorisation.


Thank you

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