How can i Export all the fields to a report?

Kalpana Ramesh August 28, 2016


There is an option under More > Add Expense in an issue. When we use it, an expense gets added to the issue, While trying to export the report, it is not reflected in the excel. How can we export a report with all the fields?

Also, how can this be included in TEMPO folio? How is the expense added in issue added to the expense in folio?

Thank you very much!

4 answers

1 vote
Kristan Stolze August 29, 2016

The Excel (All fields) no longer downloads ALL fields and it duplicates columns. It is a mess now. It used to be very useful. Any one else have this same problem recently?


0 votes
Stanislav Petr March 7, 2019

Hello all,

any update or solution? We want to export all issue details with worklogs and expenses.



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Aron Gombas [Midori]
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August 29, 2016

The Better Excel Plugin also offers "all fields" type exports to actual XLSX files, and it also integrates with Tempo Timesheets.

Check the beginning part of this video (all that shows the "current fields" use case, this works the same way with "all fields', too):

0 votes
Mihai Schwarz
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August 29, 2016

Hello Kaplana,

If you want to export an Issue with all fields (If I understood right) you can use the option bellow.


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