How can get quick issue create menu with projects and issuetypes

diana grigorcaka July 3, 2011

with a link may call <Create Issue> menu in the form on the right side

Since every issue will need to create in another project and other issuetypes, so the link can not define immediately.
In principle, the scenario is as follows:
1. help desk received a phone call;
2. Lifting the handset, opens a issue create menu of projects and issuetypes, have no idea how this can be realized

3. after the project and issuetype selection to the issue creating URL joins the caller's username as the reporter-> this will realize the SOA service

can this activity be called up via the link? This link does not solve my expectations, because after clicking on the Create button and the project selection need to link indicate the selected project and Issue Type

I need to get a link, such as

1 answer

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 3, 2011

You've almost answered your own question - it is possible to construct a "create issue" url that will pre-fill the project and issuetype automatically. The link you've got is almost what you need - just change the "CreateIssue.jspa" to "CreateIssueDetails.jspa" and lose the &Create=Create bit. That will take you straight into the second page of "create issue", with all the fields to be entered. With more &clauses added, you can pre-populate those too.

There's lots more detail at</p<>>

diana grigorcaka July 5, 2011

I have slightly different requirements.

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