How can I track time between transitions of different issues?

Anderson Monma September 24, 2018

Hello ! I have 2 different projects with part-time dedication but they are counting time similarly and I would like to change it. Example:

As-Is.: 2 different projects running a 8hs/day as available time/day to attend them.

To-Be: 2 different projects running - A Project "A" (3hs/day dedication) and a Project "B" (8hs/day dedication). 

This occurs because I have some shared resources with different time dedication and different contracts for these customers. 

If someone can help me on this, I will appreciate.



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Irfan Mazli Mazuki
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 2, 2018

Hello @Anderson Monma,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

I can see that the title of the post has been marked with "solved". If this means that you have found the solution to your post, that is certainly great! Would it be alright if you share the solution here? By sharing it, you can help the other users with the similar inquiry or even spark up some discussions for idea exchange.

Kind regards,

Anderson Monma October 3, 2018

Oh Irfan, how are you ?

I am not aware that this issue is solved. Maybe it would be something that I got wrong in the subject. If you have any instruction, I will appreciate. Thanks. Anderson

Irfan Mazli Mazuki
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 4, 2018

Hello @Anderson Monma,

I'm doing fine and well. I hope you are fine too.

I have removed the "Solved" from the post's title. This can help avoid misunderstanding from other users so that they will know that the post is still looking for answers.

Assuming this is for JIRA Server, it does not seem to be possible in the default JIRA. This is due to JIRA's limitation of setting the time tracking value throughout the whole system. There may be some plugins that can extend the feature to allow for different time tracking values to be set per project Below are some plugins that may be of interest:

Kind regards,

Anderson Monma October 4, 2018

Thanks Irfan for your support. I will tray using these tools. Have a nice day !

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