How can I track the first version where a bug was raised?

Charles Delaporte May 31, 2020

We are using the field "Affect Versions" to record which versions are affected by bugs. This includes the version where it was initially raised but also more recent versions, so that we record if the bug is still current or not. I.e. we end up recording several version numbers in this field. Sounds like we are using this field as it is meant to be used, given that it is named versions - not version.

However, we can't use this information to produce stats such as "was first raised in version". Such stats would help us understand if our versions add more bugs to the backlog.

We could of course create a new custom field to capture this information, but this results in double entry.

Any suggestion?

2 answers

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Deepanshu Natani
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May 31, 2020

Hi @Charles Delaporte ,

As of now, there is no other workaround except using a custom field.

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Jack Brickey
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May 31, 2020

Hi Charles, for this I would suggest you create a custom field - “Found in version” and recorded it there.

Charles Delaporte May 31, 2020

Hi Jack

Thanks. The concern I have with this solution is that it requires double entry.

Is there a way to automate the copy of the information from "Affects Versions" to this custom field?

Bill Sheboy
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June 1, 2020

Hi @Charles Delaporte 

You could use a project automation rule...

  • Triggered on an issue edit,
  • With the condition that the Affects Version is not empty and your new custom field (e.g. Found in Version) is empty, and
  • An action to set the value of the new custom field.

Best regards,


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