How can I list old projects in Jira?

Leandro Nunes
May 23, 2011

Is it possible to retrieve a list of projects without activity along the last e.g. 15 days?

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spuddy ಠ_ಠ
Atlassian Team
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May 23, 2011

This is no direct way to do this in the JIRA UI, but you can get that information using a SQL query against the JIRA database.

select * from project where key not in (select distinct(pkey) from jiraissue where updated > "insert your date here")

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Aimee Swift
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March 5, 2020

If you are looking for a SQL that will pull through things that are X days/months old from the current date for archival candidates, this worked for me:

select project.pname, project.lead, project.pkey,MAX(UPDATED) as "Last Updated"
from jiraissue, project
where jiraissue.project =
group by project.pname, project.lead, project.pkey
having max(jiraissue.updated) < Dateadd(Month, Datediff(Month, 0, DATEADD(m, -12, current_timestamp)), 0)


In this case, it shows projects that haven't been updated in 12 months or longer but you can just edit the time frame. Hope this helps :)

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Andrew Ardill
Rising Star
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May 23, 2011

To see a list of issues without activity in the last 15 you need to create a filter that specifies an 'Updated' date-range.

Select Issues->'Search for Issues' and expand the 'Dates and Times' section. Under the 'Updated' section write -15d in the 'From' box. Click the search button at the bottom, and you will be presented with a list of all issues that have not been updated in the last 15 days.

More time-range options can be found by clicking the date-range calendar icon next to the 'From' box.

Andrei [errno]
Rising Star
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May 31, 2011

OP asked about JIRA projects though, not issues.

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Kishore Srinivasan
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May 26, 2014

select project.pname, project.lead
from jiraissue, project
where jiraissue.project =
group by project.pname, project.lead
having max(jiraissue.updated) < 'respective date';

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