How can I get dates regarding the start and end of resolving issue?

Pavlina Novakova
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March 6, 2020


we have a development KPI that measures time spent on epic. It is defined as an interval between a date when the first issue of the epic enters IN PROGRESS column (and gets In Progress status) and a date when all issues are resolved (i.e., last issue enters DONE column/gets Done status).

We are looking to automate the KPI measurement. Is there a way to do it in JIRA (are there relevant fields we could define/exploit?)? Is there a way to do it through REST API (are there relevant endpoints/what are the possible relevant endpoints)? 

Thank you,


4 answers

2 votes
Stephen Wright _Elabor8_
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March 8, 2020

Hi @Pavlina Novakova

You can get resolved date from the field "Resolved" - ensure you are setting a resolution as part of your workflow.

For the transition to "In Progress", you have a few options:

  • Post Function: Use a post-function on your workflow to set a custom field (see below)
  • Time in Status: An app such as Time in Status for Jira Cloud or Time in Status will give you this information which you can export
  • Scripted Field: Use an app such as Scriptrunner to update a custom date/time field using Script Listeners
  • REST API: Pull the data from the REST API - see REST API documentation here (not something I've done before)

To use a post-function:

  1. Go to Jira Settings > Issues > Custom Fields
  2. Create a custom field of the Date/Time picker type
  3. You can associate it with screens if you wish - but remember it will be an editable field. I would only place it on View screens (using issue operations in Screen Schemes) or just locate it in JQL searches
  4. Next, go to Workflows, locate the relevant workflow and press Edit
  5. Select a transition to "In Progress" and press Post Functions
  6. Select Add Post Function > Update Issue Custom Field and press Add
  7. Select to update your new date/time picker - and then enter into the custom field value "%%CURRENT_DATETIME%%" and press Add
  8. Publish your workflow

^ It'll likely be cleaner as a scripted field or similar, but this does the trick to make it searchable and exportable.


Paula Pokusa August 10, 2021

@Stephen Wright _Elabor8_ I am looking for start date as well and happen to have Time in Status, however have never used it. Do you know any more as far as how to utilize it to get that data? Thanks!

0 votes
Bloompeak Support
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March 28, 2020

Hi @Pavlina Novakova ,

The data you need is available in Jira Rest API. It provides the exact status transition date and time for each issue. It returns json as below, then you need to extract and calculate the date differences. You should loop for all the issues under the epic, take the minimum of In Progress dates and maximum of Done dates.


Or you can try Status Time add-on. It generates status time report/export. It calculates status duration on issue level. As of now, it does not provide status entrance date in the report but just upon your case we started working on it. We will release status entrance date feature in a few days.

Bloompeak Support
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March 30, 2020

Hi @Pavlina Novakova ,

We released the new feature of displaying status entrance dates. You can view/export the status entrance dates and work on it.

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Zoryana Bohutska _SaaSJet_
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March 12, 2020

Hi @Pavlina Novakova 

Also, you can consider add-on Time Between Statuses.

This tool lets you set the start/stop/pause statuses timer preferences. Moreover, you can configure time limits and notifications for issues with exceeded that's limits.

Hope, it is that you are searching.

0 votes
Ryan Fish
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March 6, 2020

@Pavlina Novakova 
The "resolved" field will contain a time stamp when the issue is moved to resolved, while the "status " field contains status names. 
The issue I would expect is defining and determining when the "in progress" status change happens. The timestamp exists, just not sure where it dwells.

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