How can I find the issue key of the parent of a clone (scriptrunner)?

FH November 17, 2021

Hi everyone,

I'm cloning an issue with scriptrunners "Clones an issue, and links" post function.

I want to include the issue key of the original (parent) issue in the summary of the clone, using the "Additional issue actions".

I assume this is a trivial thing, but googling it provided more questions than answers, sorry.

Can anyone help?

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Tessa Tuteleers
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November 17, 2021

Hi @FH , 

documentation can be a little difficult to navigate sometimes, I agree. Luckily, what you need is indeed fairly simple. 

You can access all origin issue data with sourceIssue. ... 

So you might want to do this: 


Additional issue actions

issue.summary = sourceIssue.key + ': Cloned issue'


And just a tip, underneath the code blocks are always some "help" code fragments, which you can copy, then analyse and experiment from there: 

Screenshot 2021-11-17 at 13.56.21.png

Hope this helps! 

- Tessa

FH November 17, 2021

Sigh. Didn't expect it to be THAT easy ;-)
I was trying to parse through linked issues...

Thank you very much!

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