How can I export excel file for perticuler Stories in JIRA using Agile ?

Malay Parikh
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May 12, 2014


I am using JIRA with Agile methodology.

We have many stories in JIRA. As a QA, we are report all issues and linked to respective stories.

Now I want to export all the issues in excel which is linked with story. Please help me.


Malay Parikh.

2 answers

2 votes
Deleted user May 12, 2014

Hi Malay,

Do export only a subset into your excel file, you can first run a filter (JQL query) and then export only this subset. To do this:

1) Go to Issues > Search for Issues

2) Enter a JQL Query. The visible issues will only be a subset that matches your query.

3) Choose Export > Excel to export this subset of issues together with their fields

Deleted user May 12, 2014

Hi Malay,

What is the relationship between your stories and issues? In other words: how are your stories represented in JIRA?

Malay Parikh
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 28, 2014


In any stories, if I found any bug then I just link it to perticuler stories.

Please let me know if you require any further details.

Thanks for your support.

Mlay Parikh.

0 votes
Haizelyn Casimiro May 28, 2014


To support Benji's answer, you could use or modify this JQL query : " project = "<project name>" and issueFunction in hasLinks("is a bug report for") ". This is If you are using "is a bug report for" to link the bugs you have linked to a particular stories. Then as Benji have posted in step 3, "Export it to excel"



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