How can I display resolved tasks on the backlog?

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October 22, 2018

The backlog displays all issues except the resolved ones.

With the advanced search I am able to see the reslolved issues but not within the epic they belong. With the baclog I want to see them for each epic.

2 answers

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Joe Pitt
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October 22, 2018

The backlog is issues that still need to be worked. Resolved/done issues shouldn't be in the backlog.

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 22, 2018

Let me rephrase the question in this case: how can I view the  resolved issues grouped by epic?

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Daniel Deng
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October 22, 2018

Hi Philippe

Please note that 

IRA Software does not display issues from the last column of the Scrum board configuration in the backlog section. If your closed issues are not mapped to the last column of the board, then they would be displayed in the backlog.

If you don't want to modify your column settings,I would recommend 2 ways you can view your closed stories within en epic. 

1. In your epic detail view, all the children stories will be listed there including both closed and opened ones

2. In Scrum board or Kanban board, create Epic swimlane, then you will see all the closed stories in cooresponding column

Bohdan Lozinskyi April 19, 2024

It was really useful.

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