How can I build an automated weekly report on time logged?

Glen Foster
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April 28, 2024

I've tried doing this via an automations but cannot figure it out. I'd like to schedule an email to be sent out weekly...

  1. Per person in a user group
  2. Sum of hours logged per day, grouped by a field

And then another report which can go to the managers of the group showing...

  1. Hours logged per person per day

This is to help people identify where time has not been logged an ensure we're charging clients correctly.

Is there any sensible way of doing this other than building something which calls various APIs to collate the data?


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Victor Law
Rising Star
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April 28, 2024

Hi @Glen Foster

There is no native way to generate a weekly time-logged report in Jira. However, you can try the following apps in the marketplace that could potentially meet your requirements:

Thank you.

Zahid Zahid khan
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Glen Foster
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
April 29, 2024

Thanks both, I've managed to get something useful from EazyBI - though it was nothing but "eazy"!

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Geethanjali Katagani
Rising Star
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April 29, 2024

Hi @Glen Foster ,

You can use the Reports and Timesheets for Jira plugin to create the reports you need and schedule them accordingly.


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