How can I add Issues completed outside of this sprint back into my current sprint

James Phillips
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March 5, 2020

I created a new sprint and carried over several items. My PO went in and closed a bunch of stories before I actually started the sprint- so now on the sprint report I have 120 points that are not accounted for in the sprint, throwing off all my metrics. They are listed on the sprint report under "Issues completed outside of this sprint"

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Bill Sheboy
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July 1, 2020

Hi @James Phillips 

And, yikes!  This sounds like an opportunity to discuss and educate with product owner and for a review of team methods.

Were the additional work items built/delivered, or just abandoned?  We handle such cases for abandoned work by explicitly adding a custom field Abandoned; our PO can then dispose of dropped work items, and our filter ignores the abandoned stuff.

Otherwise, the reports are driven by the board filter.  If you need to remove the extraneous stuff, you could adjust the filter to exclude work completed before/after the sprint start/end.


Best regards,


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