Hide time tracking information from certain user group in JIRA

Ivan Demkovitch May 22, 2012

I'm using Jira for issue and project tracking. Developers log their time against issues and projects.

I want customers to be able to submit bugs and see status. But I don't want them to see time spent and estimates. Is that even possible with JIRA?

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Renjith Pillai
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May 22, 2012
Ivan Demkovitch May 22, 2012

Basically, answer is no. Sad, especially that it seems that many many people really need it.

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
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May 22, 2012

You can restrict the visibility of individual worklogs but the total estimate, time logged and time remaining will be visible to all.


You can also restrict who can enter worklogs.

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Radha _ThreadQ_ August 25, 2020

Have a look at the "Field Hide for Jira" app to hide and make read-only "Time-Tracking" information based on user rules(group/role/any user).




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Heiko Gerlach January 29, 2020

Have a look at https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.accxia.jira.plugins.workscouncil.WorksCouncil/server/overview

it just has been released to the Market Place and probably it helps to achieve what you want.





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Aldo Cauchi Savona May 27, 2014

Hi @Gebsun, do you have a support page?

Installed the plugin and the hiding works, but for all users irrespective of permissions. JIRA version 6.2.2, plugin vr 1.1.1.

Rising Star
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May 27, 2014


Please contact us directly at support(at)gebsun(dot)com.


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Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 1, 2014

You can also try a free plugin we have just released: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.gebsun.plugins.jira.hidetimetracking

It makes estimates panel and log work entries not visible to users without log work permission so basicaly if user cannot log work then he is also not able to see time tracking fields.

This plugin works only on the UI side (time tracking information can be still retrieved with e.g. REST API).

It works with JIRA 5.1+


Mateusz Przybyłek January 7, 2021

Another paid plugin for standard feature.

I can't wait till we will have to install paid plugin to login into JIRA.

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Valentijn Scholten
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June 13, 2012

The solutions in https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-2364 are no longer working in 4.4+

The bad thing is the atlassian closed JRA-2364 so we can no longer share our solutions.

In https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/16530/hide-time-tracking-estimates-from-certain-users-in-jira-4-4-x is supposed to be a way to do this in 4.4+

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