Help writing JQL

Chris Archey April 24, 2024


I'm looking for some help to write a JQL that will search all projects, where the result is all Epics that have a status other than done. 

Thank you in advance. 

4 answers

2 votes
Dave Rosenlund _Trundl_
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April 24, 2024

Welcome to the community, @Chris Archey   👋

You may want to (should) be a lot more sophisticated than this for many reasons. For one thing, if you have a lot of Epics in Jira, this will be a taxing search.

But here's the simplest version I can think of:

issuetype=Epic AND statusCategory != Done

Be careful,




2 votes
Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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April 24, 2024

@Chris Archey

Welcome to the community! Hopefully this helps!


issuetype = Epic and status not in (Done)


If you want to learn more about Issue Searching and JQL, check out this documentation!

0 votes
Ragavendran S April 24, 2024

project in ("*")
AND issuetype = Epic
AND status != Done

0 votes
vaibhav raverkar April 24, 2024

Try this buddy

type = Epic and Status not in (Done, Cancelled)


You can club it with other status as well, just take precaution if used two word status like To do

type = Epic and Status not in (Done, Cancelled, "To Do")

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