Having trouble updating Priority field using automation

Shelley Dvorski
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January 1, 2025

I created an automation rule that modify the Priority field in a story based on calculation of the number of days from today to the date entered to a story under field End date.
Here is the condition:

condition.pngBut keep getting the following error once i run the rule:
Screenshot 2025-01-01 at 10.38.51.png
More details:
  1. I have admin permissions on this specific Jira project
  2. Even without the condition, when editing the Priority field is generating the same error
  3. I'm able to modify Priority field via the story itself
  4. Priority field is set for all issue types in this project
Need help to understand what is wrong.

2 answers

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Atlass Monster
January 1, 2025

@Shelley Dvorski  sup mate.

There are many things that go wrong. 

I suggest you check if everything with priority scheme is as it should be and the project in question is set to use the priority scheme you want.

I manage to find similar problem (if not the exact same one ) in the knowledge base: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/automation-rule-returning-error-occurred-setting-field-priority-it-will-be-ignored-priority-1167825518.html


Spoiler: "Ensure that the Jira issue 'priority' is not set with a 'null' value on the database."


If my answer was of help, be sure to accept as solution to help future Jira users that seek solutions.

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Jack Brickey
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January 1, 2025

Hi @Shelley Dvorski , I assume the Action used the Edit issue action? Can you share an image of that component? Are you running the rule with you as the owner or Automation? Just as a test can you try editing another field in the same action?

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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January 2, 2025

@Shelley Dvorski , any update here? Do you still need assistance?

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