Having multiple Kanban boards under 1 project.

Paige Annunziato June 12, 2020

My team is wanting to have 3-4 project boards under one project.

Besides adding a new filter to each board type, or going into board settings and editing the quick filter, is there another easier way to unlink multiple boards under one project?

The reason I ask is because my team is new to Jira, and creating additional filters constantly or editing the quick filter will be time consuming. 


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Bill Sheboy
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June 12, 2020

Hi @Paige Annunziato 

To help the community provide better assistance, perhaps you could clarify a bit...

  • Are there 3-4 teams doing different work or one team doing 3-4 types of work?

A board is just a filtered view of a project (a backlog).

If you have 3-4 teams, creating separate boards, with stable separate filters, seems like a good approach.

If it is instead one team, why wouldn't they have one board, showing all of their work?

Best regards,


Paige Annunziato June 12, 2020

Hi Bill,
Thank you for your fast response.
The team is brand new to using Jira and I am looking for a way for them to be set up easily without having to manually go in and modify all of the board filter types. 
It would most likely be one team, and they want multiple boards set under one larger project.
Would your recommendation be to continue creating 1 project and have one board under each project for a team that hasn't used Jira before?

Bill Sheboy
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June 12, 2020

Hi Paige,

Thinking from an agile perspective (regardless of JIRA tooling)... when a team has work to do, managing that work in one place helps them stay focused and not overloaded.  It also encourages them to do one thing at a time until done, reducing task-switching.  So I am suggesting: one team and one JIRA board showing all of their work.

And... You confused me a bit by your use of the word "project".  Do you mean JIRA project (like a backlog) or different feature areas (like a business effort project)?

If you mean different feature areas, the team could use Epics, Labels, Components, etc. to distinguish the different requests on a single JIRA board.  They can see the differences and still keep all of their in-progress work visible together.


Best regards,


Paige Annunziato June 12, 2020

Excellent that makes sense Bill. Thank you for your time and input, very helpful as I develop what best practices should look like for getting a new team set up in Jira. 

Trudy Claspill
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June 12, 2020

Hello Paige,

FWIW, you may find some useful information in Atlassian's best practices documents for JIRA:


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Luís Guerreiro
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January 25, 2023

Hi all,


Sorry, I read some of the replies and I think my specific case was not yet clarified.

The scenario I'm thinking of is if we have one single Jira Project, where I would have one board for Design, another for Analysis and another for Dev teams. Is this possible?

I mean, this would aim to avoid having a giant board whit a lot of columns, specially because the stories might not follow a linear flow.


Thank you in advance for helping.

Luís Guerreiro

Trudy Claspill
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January 25, 2023

Hello @Luís Guerreiro 

Welcome to the Atlassian community!

Please create a new Question for your scenario and provide details about your workflow and what you want to accomplish.

This thread is over a year old and it does not sound like your scenario is the same as the one in the original post.

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jbedar December 3, 2021

As 'Bill' stated, this is really focused on Scrum or Agile.  If you are looking to have a single team manage multiple projects (actual, not Jira), the one Jira project with multiple Kanban boards (by project) functionality is the software template.

In this scenario, you have the 'one board' mentioned with all the work, but by switching Kanban boards (view of specific tickets, such as for a specific project; for which I recommend adding / using the Labels field, e.g., enter project name) based on a custom filter by 'project name label'.  Labels becomes part of the 'submit / create' screen and could even customize the name to Project Label and make it a required field.

Realize this is a bit late in responding, but I am looking for someway to create multiple Kanban boards in a single "NON-SOFTWARE" or work management template in Jira.  I don't thing this is available.

Bill Sheboy
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December 3, 2021

Hi @jbedar 

To be honest, I am not using business projects and cannot try what you asked.  Is this suggestion the feature you are asking about? https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JWMCLOUD-6

Kind regards,

jbedar December 3, 2021

Effectively yes - the submitter is asking for multiple lists v. Kanban (think you'd get there the same way, via filter). Added a comment there.

Thanks for the feedback, but I have confirmed that multiple Kanban boards are only available in SW "Jira project" format.  Not useful for project managers in a hybrid environment (both Agile Dev and waterfall / Kanban projects (business or otherwise).

Trudy Claspill
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December 3, 2021

Technically you can create additional boards for a Business Management project, but they will not show up in the navigation pane when viewing that project.

jbedar December 3, 2021

Okay - where do you do this? Where would you configure the filter, columns, etc. in the Business / Work Management project v. SW?  Not seeing that capability or information on how to...

Trudy Claspill
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December 3, 2021

Go to the Search option next to your avatar and click the Boards button at the bottom of the pop up

Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 9.43.00 AM.png


That takes you to the Boards list screen where you will find the Create Board button in the upper right corner. Using that you can create another board based on the Work Management project, or based on a saved filter for that project.

You have to specify a Location for the board. It can't be attached to the Work Management project, but you can attach it to you personal space, or potentially some other dummy project. I've not done anything with boards attached to personal spaces; I don't know if that makes them private and invisible to other users.

A board created in this way will be configurable like a board for a Software project. However, I can't assert that it will all work the same as the board you see in the Work Management project, or if there are config options available that really are not applicable to the Work Management project. And I haven't tested how doing something like changing the ranking might impact the data visualized in the original Work Management board and list.

jbedar December 3, 2021

I may play with it, but I don't expect this to work either.  Multiple boards is only designed for SW "projects" in Jira.

adding Kanban board.JPG

Trudy Claspill
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December 3, 2021

Well, and creating a board in this manner results in a board with Company Managed Software project functionality, which is very different than Team Managed Software project functionality, too. So they are designed to work with Team Managed projects.

But, as I said, technically you can create additional boards.

jbedar December 3, 2021

Keyword in your statement is 'software'. Technically, your answer is irrelevant (thanks Jira) to my question which specified the ability to do this in project or work management templates.  Thought you may have had something for me, but just another functionality dead-end in Jira.

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