HTTP Basic authentication missing from Application Links

matiaskakela August 21, 2013

Jira documentation states that you can use either OAuth or HTTP Basic authentication and that you can choose between them from "Application Links". Every piece of documentation I can find just states that you should be able to choose any of them from Application Links dialog.

However, when I'm configuring "Application Link" on 'Incoming Authentication' tab, I can only see Oauth tab, HTTP Basic is not visible and thus not configurable.

Is there some hidden reason why OAuth is only one selectable? As OAuth is really not an option for us, is there some alternative method (e.g. session based), which would be documented somewhere?

Thank you.

2 answers

0 votes
matiaskakela August 22, 2013

I'm specifically trying to create a link for a "Generic Application", but that seems not to matter. It's missing for all application types.

0 votes
Ryan Dunn August 22, 2013


What app are you configuring athe app link for?

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