HTML to Wiki Markup: Since Jira 9.10 nekohtml library not found by atlassian renderer

Gabriele Talarico
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December 6, 2023

Hi All,

A method that worked up until Jira 9.9 no longer works. The error occurs from Jira 9.10 onwards.
The method is as follows:

public String fromHtmlToWiki(String txtHtml) {
         DefaultWysiwygConverter converter = new  DefaultWysiwygConverter();
         return converter.convertXHtmlToWikiMarkup(txtHtml);

This method throws a NoClassDefFoundError on the nekohtml library:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/cyberneko/html/parsers/DOMFragmentParser
at com.atlassian.renderer.wysiwyg.converter.DefaultWysiwygConverter.convertXHtmlToWikiMarkup(

going to see the jira folders atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/lib in versions prior to 9.10 there were both jars:
 -    atlassian-renderer-9.0.1.jar
 -    nekohtml-1.9.19.jar
while from jira 9.10 the nekohtml jar no longer exists in lib folder but exists in atlassian-bundeld-plugins folder.
I think this causes the above error.

How to solve it? Thank you!

3 answers

4 votes
Stefan Aschendorf
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January 8, 2024

Same issue here and a fix:

we put nekohtml.jar into /opt/atlassian/jira/lib/

after that, xerces is missing. get xerces from apache and put it in the lib folder too.

then restart jira

Muhammad April 3, 2024

Hi @Stefan Aschendorf thanks for sharing the trick, can you please share little more details on this


are both jar files and from where you downloaded those

Stefan Aschendorf
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I'm New Here
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April 3, 2024

Hi Muhammad,

yes, both are jar's and you find all here:

2 votes
PD Sheehan
Rising Star
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February 15, 2024

I built my own groovy class to help with that. It may not work in all use cases, but it might be a starting point for yours.


import groovy.util.logging.Log4j
import org.apache.log4j.Level
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
import org.jsoup.nodes.*
* This is quickly put together class to convert HTML (typically from an Insight/Asset object rich text attribute)
* to a jira wiki string (to be used in comments).
* Not all HTML tags are supported.
* This was implemented because DefaultWysiwygConverter.convertXHtmlToWikiMarkup stopped working in Jira 9.12.0
class HtmlWikiConversionUtil {
StringBuilder wiki
Document doc
String convertHtmlToWiki(String html){
wiki = new StringBuilder()
doc = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(html)

void processChildNode(Node node, Integer listDepth=0, String listChar=''){
if(node instanceof TextNode) {
wiki << node.text()
switch (node.nodeName()){
case 'p':
wiki << "\n\n"
case 'ul':
listChar = '*'
case 'ol':
listChar = '#'
case 'li':
wiki << "\n${listChar*listDepth} "
case 'strong':
wiki << "*"
case 'em':
wiki << '_'
case 'u':
wiki << '+'
case 'a':
wiki << '['
case 'br':
wiki << '\n'
log.warn "${node.nodeName()} tag not currently supported. Only text will be kept out of this HTML: ${node.outerHtml()}"


processChildNode(it, listDepth, listChar)

// close the tag/markup
switch (node.nodeName()){
case 'p':
wiki << "\n"
case ['ol', 'ul']:
case 'strong':
wiki << "*"
case 'em':
wiki << '_'
case 'u':
wiki << '+'
case 'a':
def url = node.attr('href')
wiki << "|$url]"


Brent Nye February 21, 2024

Peter-Dave, thank you for contributing this. It looks like a great solution, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to leverage it in a ScriptRunner Behavior. Sorry to be needy, but any tips? Sincere thanks.

PD Sheehan
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February 21, 2024

@Brent Nye can you give me a bit more context on what you are trying to achieve in your behaviour?

But here are some generic tips.

  1. Make sure your scriptrunner/jira installation is configured to use script roots correctly
  2. Create a new file via the Script Editor in a location of your choice and paste my code. The file name must be exactly "HtmlWikiConversionUtil.groovy"
  3. Include, at the top of the file a package declaration that matches the path where you installed the file. So if your file is stored as  com/acme/util/HtmlWikiConversionUtil.groovy, the package line will be
    package com.acme.util
  4. Now you are ready to import and use the class in a behaviour script:
    import com.acme.util.HtmlWikiConversionUtil 

    def assetField = getFieldByName('asset field')
    def desc = getFieldById('description')

    def assetObject = Assets.getByKey(assetField.value[0]) //watch it here, there are some context where single values are returned instead of list, also check for empty, and figure how you want to handle multiple
    def assetHtmlText = assetObject.getString('rich text attribute')

    def wikiText = HtmlWikiConversionUtil.convertHtmlToWiki(assetHtmlText)

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Brent Nye February 22, 2024

@PD Sheehan , thank you for the detailed instructions. I'd obviously not implemented my own classes yet, so your instructions were extremely helpful.

Before upgrading to 9.12, I had a working solution (ScriptRunner behavior) which used 

com.atlassian.renderer.wysiwyg.converter.DefaultWysiwygConverter. Our help desk technicians would select a value from an Assets custom field. The Behavior would grab the Assets object and a specific field value from it, convert that to Jira wiki format, and dump it into the Jira field.
For testing purposes, I put your class script on the root and modified your solution to fit what I had previously. Here's what I tried:
import HtmlWikiConversionUtil

def assetField = getFieldByName('Service Desk Template')
String assetValue = assetField.getValue()

def assets ='Name = \'' + assetValue + '\'')
def assetObject = assets[0]
def assetHtmlText = assetObject.getString('Remedy Information')

wikiText = HtmlWikiConversionUtil.convertHtmlToWiki(assetHtmlText)
def RI = getFieldByName("Remedy Information")
That resulted in the import line being flagged with:
The [HtmlWikiConversionUtil] import is never referenced
And the line where I called your code was flagged with:
[Static type checking] - Non-static method HtmlWikiConversionUtil#convertHtmlToWiki cannot be called from static context
Google helped me realize I hadn't made an instance of that class. I did so as follows:
HtmlWikiConversionUtil htmlWikiConversionUtil = new HtmlWikiConversionUtil()
I'm thinking I shouldn't need to, as I initially used your instructions quite specifically. Either way, I and our help desk are deeply in your debt. Sincere thanks for your excellent solution, which converts bold/strong and bullet/UL tags into Jira wiki markup perfectly!
PD Sheehan
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February 22, 2024

No, my bad, the instructions were slighly incorrect. 

I had forgotten how the class was implemented (non-static), and wrote the example from memory.

This should work

def wikiText = new HtmlWikiConversionUtil().convertHtmlToWiki(assetHtmlText)
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PD Sheehan
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February 22, 2024

It took me a while working with scriptrunner to understand the difference between static and non-static classes and methods (I don't have any formal software development education).

The short and long of it is that if a class has global variables that are accessed by the methods then you need to create an instance of that class. 

A static method makes no use of class-wide variables (unless those variables are constant/final).

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Muhammad February 22, 2024

Hi @PD Sheehan that's great but has some missing tags like table

PD Sheehan
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February 22, 2024

@Muhammad yeah, that's a starting point.

So far, in the way I have had to use this (copying Asset rich text into Jira wiki rich text field), I've never needed tables.

Feel free to expand on it.

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PD Sheehan
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October 25, 2024

I have since had a need to develop support for table tags for myself, here is how I did it:

import groovy.util.logging.Log4j
import org.apache.log4j.Level
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
import org.jsoup.nodes.*
* This is quickly put together class to convert HTML (typically from an Insight/Asset object rich text attribute)
* to a jira wiki string (to be used in comments).
* Not all HTML tags are supported.
* This was implemented because DefaultWysiwygConverter.convertXHtmlToWikiMarkup stopped working in Jira 9.12.0
class HtmlWikiConversionUtil {
StringBuilder wiki
Document doc
String convertHtmlToWiki(String html){
wiki = new StringBuilder()
doc = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(html)

void processChildNode(Node node, Integer listDepth=0, String listChar=''){
if(node instanceof TextNode) {
if(node.text() != ' ') {
wiki << node.text()
switch (node.nodeName()){
case 'p':
wiki << "\n\n"
case 'ul':
listChar = '*'
case 'ol':
listChar = '#'
case 'li':
wiki << "\n${listChar*listDepth} "
case 'strong':
wiki << "*"
case 'em':
wiki << '_'
case 'u':
wiki << '+'
case 'a':
wiki << '['
case 'br':
wiki << '\n'
case ['table','tbody', 'td']:
listChar = '|'
case ['thead', 'th']:
listChar = '||'
if(node.nextSibling()?.nodeName() == 'tr'){
listChar = '|'
case 'tr':
def firstCell = node.childNodes().find{!(it instanceof TextNode)}
if(firstCell.nodeName() == 'th'){
listChar = '||'
wiki << "\n$listChar"
log.warn "${node.nodeName()} tag not currently supported. Only text will be kept out of this HTML: ${node.outerHtml()}"


processChildNode(it, listDepth, listChar)

switch (node.nodeName()){
case 'p':
wiki << "\n"
case ['ol', 'ul']:
case 'strong':
wiki << "*"
case 'em':
wiki << '_'
case 'u':
wiki << '+'
case 'a':
def url = node.attr('href')
wiki << "|$url]"
case ['th','td']:
wiki << "$listChar"

1 vote
Slava Dobromyslov
August 23, 2024

To make atlassian-renderer-9.0.1 work in Jira 9.10+ you don't need to add anything to /opt/atlassian/jira/lib/. Nekohtml is provided by OSGi container in Jira. You can find the system plugin named Neko HTML. This plugin exports package org.cyberneko.html.parsers to the OSGi environment.

So, the main reason is that atlassian-renderer can't load the nekohtml dependency from OSGi.

You should set scope to compile so that the renderer get bundled into your plugin. After doing so it will successfully resolve the required class via OSGi.

Add it to your plugin's pom.xml like this:



Make sure that version 9.0.1 is provided by your Jira. If it differs then change the version to provided by Jira.

And yes, you have to exclude all the transitive dependencies to avoid OSGi errors related to different class versions in your plugin and provided by OSGi.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you set this dependency scope to 'compile' you will not be able to correctly instantiate V2RendererFacade and use in 'DefaultWysiwygConverter.setWikiStyleRenderer' to make 'DefaultWysiwygConverter.convertWikiMarkupToXHtml' work. It will happen due to difference between renderer classes/inteffaces compiled into your plugin and the same classes provided by OSGi:

V2RendererFacade v2RendererFacade(
RendererConfiguration rendererConfiguration,
LinkRenderer linkRenderer,
EmbeddedResourceRenderer embeddedResourceRenderer,
Renderer renderer,
UnicodeEscapingTool unicodeEscapingTool
) {
new V2RendererFacade(
Robert Varga October 25, 2024

This was useful, thanks!

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