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  • Greenhopper Chart Board for Spint 1 not counting issues as resolved if they were resolved after the sprint end date

Greenhopper Chart Board for Spint 1 not counting issues as resolved if they were resolved after the sprint end date

Jason Ried February 22, 2012

We have setup our project however the Chart Board for our Sprint 1 is not updating correctly.

We had 15 Total Issues and we marked them off as closed, however we only closed 9 of them a day after the sprint ended (because that is when the review is). Now we are left with a chart that shows a Remaining Values line with 9 left when we actually completed all tasks.

The Sprint stats on the right handside shows 15 resolved however it appears that date of closure is affecting the chart.

Is there anyway that I can fix this?

5 answers

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Renjith Pillai
Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 23, 2012

You can manipulate the Jira database (dangerous though), but as you are on OnDemand, that is not an option.

0 votes
Jason Ried February 23, 2012

Is there no way to change the date that this was conceivably closed? The tasks were completed and so I almost want to cheat the system in this instance (even though we aren't for us).

As we track points completed in a week this is far more important.

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Jason Ried February 23, 2012

Technically it is correct yes, though we had actually done the work and a team member not updated his issues. It's our own fault though the issue was more that I couldn't correct this and so we had a misleading chart.

I wasn't aware that you could change the end date since we had removed that as a displayed from out tasks. We work without any time, we only plan against points and burndown.

Knowing that I can edit the End Date would help though now I'm not sure where that is? We had turned off a number of fields, but I don't actually see where this is, could you please point me in the right direction?

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Renjith Pillai
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 23, 2012

What I meant was to change the 'End Date' of the sprint as explained here See the tip there.

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Renjith Pillai
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 23, 2012

Isn't that right Jason? If the items are not closed on the day marked for the 'End Date', then the items are actually not done. Other way is to just change the End Date to the date when you actually closed the issues. But this itself is against Scrum as we talked about time-boxed sprints?

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