GitHub integration with hosted Jira?

Deleted user October 9, 2011

Is it possible to integrate GitHub with the hosted version of Jira? We found many plugins, but only one of them was available from our plugin chooser (JIRA Git plugin), and I can't figure out how to configure it. We use public and private repositories, so it should support that too.

There is the JIRA GitHub Connector, but it is listed as compatible with JIRA 4.4.1, not 4.4, while we have v4.4#649-r158309 - should we request an upgrade?

(I know Bitbucket now supports Git repositories, and we might switch to it in the future, but currently there are features that are essential to us that Bitbucket does not have yet)

3 answers

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Deleted user October 23, 2011

After contacting Atlassian support we now run on JIRA 4.4.1#660-r161644, which allows us to use the JIRA GitHub Connector, and this seems to work fine with private URLs!

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Al Sko June 8, 2012

you can also transfer tasks between Github and your Jira using Task Adapter:

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Nicolas Wildner October 18, 2011

I think part of your question, could be answered on the following thread, based on Luzia's answers about GitHub and BitBucket ;)

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