Getting data back from a Send Web Request in Jira Automation

David Stokes February 25, 2022


In Jira Automation, I'm using web requests in one automation to run other automations. It's a nice way of being able to break things down. I know how to send an issue key to the other automation so that it can go off and carry out a number of actions based on that issue key.

However, there are situations where all I want to do is get some data back from another automation, eg: a date value.  I don't want to have to save it to a Jira record so that I can then read it back.  It would be great if it's in a variable which I can then access.

I've seen that you can access web request response data as a result of sending a web request.  My question is, what do I need to do on the other automation so that once it has completed, I can access the data once it's done.

Apologies if it's super obvious to you, but I'm not super technical :)


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Pramodh M
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February 26, 2022

Hi @David Stokes 

You have an option to send the webhook to trigger the webhook by adding send webhook event, add the receive webhook event to get the URL. Below is the screenshot reference

Automation Action to send the webhook


Automation Trigger to receive the webook


Let me know if you have any queries


David Stokes February 26, 2022

Thanks for responding so quickly @Pramodh M 

Here's the 1st automation containing the web request where I'm passing the issue key.

Screen Shot 2022-02-27 at 10.40.44 AM.png

And here's the 2nd automation that is triggered by the coming webhook.  It takes that issue key and finds the date value

Screen Shot 2022-02-27 at 10.44.38 AM.png

In the audit log you can see that I have found the date:

Screen Shot 2022-02-27 at 10.47.06 AM.png

So what I'd like to be able to do is that once the 2nd automation has found the date, it passes it back to the 1st automation which can then use it later in the automation.

I guess I'm more used to procedural programming where you can call functions, passing some attributes and you get a response back with some data.

I know that the above use case is super simple, but I just wanted to give a simple example to figure it out, so I can use it more widely in other automations.

Many Thanks

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