Getting an error when trying to transition a linked ticket

Elene September 26, 2023


I built an automation which is supposed to closed all linked tickets when 1 specific ticket is closed. 

I am getting the following error:

"No transitions to specified status could be found for issues (with current status)".

If you know how it can be fixed, I'd appreciate the help. 


2 answers

2 votes
September 26, 2023

Hi Elene,

looks like there is no transition between the current issue status and the status you want to move it to.

Please check that in the workflow.



Elene September 27, 2023

Hi Margo, 

Thank you for advice, there was a transition. But it absolutely slipped my mind that it included a mandatory field that I didn't include in the automation. 

It's all good now. 


1 vote
Hector Menchaca
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 26, 2023

Hello @Elene Nairashvili ,

Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Did you execute the rule twice or more within seconds? - because when this happens a 'race condition' is created in "automation queue" causing abnormal behaviour in the validation part of the rule for the second execution.

However, there is a Feature Request open for this issue: JIRAAUTOSERVER-231



Hector M

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