Get user email address from LDAP.

Sergio C Silva
October 16, 2011

I have a JIRA instance connected to LDAP (AD) that functions normally. We are now including the users e-mail, but the e-mail address are not being imported into JIRA when synchronization occurs.

What can be the problem?

5 answers

1 accepted

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Pankaj Jangid
Community Leader
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October 17, 2011

Is the "User Email Attribute" correct? May be you can verify this on a unix command line using this command

ldapsearch -h <host> -x -w <ldap server access password> "(&(objectCategory=Person)(sAMAccountName=*))" mail

Instead of * in the filter you could just pass your userid to limit the result to just one.

If your ldap server don't need username password then just drop "-x -w <ldap server access password>" from the command above.

0 votes
Sergio C Silva
October 17, 2011

Any idea what could be the problem?

0 votes
Sergio C Silva
October 16, 2011

Server Settings

Name: <input type="TEXTO" name="name" value="LDAP server"/>

Directory Type: <select name="type"> <option value="">Please select a directory type </option><option selected="selected" value="">Microsoft Active Directory </option><option value="">Apache Directory Server 1.0.x </option><option value="">Apache Directory Server 1.5.x </option><option value="">Apple Open Directory (Read-Only) </option><option value="">FedoraDS (Read-Only Posix Schema) </option><option value="">Generic Directory Server </option><option value="">Novell eDirectory Server </option><option value="">OpenDS </option><option value="">OpenLDAP </option><option value="">OpenLDAP (Read-Only Posix Schema) </option><option value="">Generic Posix/RFC2307 Directory (Read-Only) </option><option value="">Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition </option></select>

Hostname: <input type="TEXTO" name="hostname" value=""/>

Port: <input type="TEXTO" name="port" value="389"/><input type="hidden" name="_useSSL" value="visible"/><input type="checkbox" name="useSSL" value="true"/> Use SSL

LDAP Schema

Base DN: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapBasedn" value="dc=grupo-buscape,dc=com,dc=br"/>

Additional User DN: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapUserDn"/>

Additional Group DN: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapGroupDn"/>

LDAP Permissions

<input type="radio" name="ldapPermissionOption" value="READ_ONLY"/>Read Only

x<input type="radio" name="ldapPermissionOption" value="READ_ONLY_LOCAL_GROUPS" checked="checked"/>Read Only, with Local Groups

<input type="radio" name="ldapPermissionOption" value="READ_WRITE"/>Read/Write

Default Group Memberships: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapAutoAddGroups" value="jira-users"/>

Advanced Settings

<input type="hidden" name="_nestedGroupsEnabled" value="visible"/><input type="checkbox" name="nestedGroupsEnabled" value="true"/>Enable Nested Groups

<input type="hidden" name="_ldapPagedresults" value="visible"/><input type="checkbox" name="ldapPagedresults" value="true" checked="checked"/>Use Paged Results <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapPagedresultsSize" value="1000"/>results per page

<input type="hidden" name="_ldapReferral" value="visible"/><input type="checkbox" name="ldapReferral" value="true" checked="checked"/>Follow Referrals

<input type="hidden" name="_ldapRelaxedDnStandardisation" value="visible"/><input type="checkbox" name="ldapRelaxedDnStandardisation" value="true" checked="checked"/>Naive DN Matching

Synchronisation Interval (minutes): <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapCacheSynchroniseIntervalInMin" value="60"/>

Read Timeout (seconds): <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapReadTimeoutInSec" value="120"/>

Search Timeout (seconds): <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapSearchTimelimitInSec" value="60"/>

Connection Timeout (seconds): <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapConnectionTimeoutInSec" value="0"/>

User Schema Settings

User Object Class: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapUserObjectclass" value="user"/>

User Object Filter: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapUserFilter" value="(&amp;(objectCategory=Person)(sAMAccountName=*))"/>

User Name Attribute: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapUserUsername" value="sAMAccountName"/>

User Name RDN Attribute: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapUserUsernameRdn" value="cn"/>

User First Name Attribute: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapUserFirstname" value="givenName"/>

User Last Name Attribute: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapUserLastname" value="sn"/>

User Display Name Attribute: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapUserDisplayname" value="displayName"/>

User Email Attribute: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapUserEmail" value="mail"/>

User Password Attribute: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapUserPassword" value="unicodePwd"/>

User Password Encryption: <select name="ldapUserEncryption"> <option value="">Please select an algorithm </option><option value="des">DES </option><option value="md5">MD5 </option><option value="plaintext">PLAINTEXT </option><option selected="selected" value="sha">SHA </option><option value="ssha">SSHA </option></select>

Group Schema Settings

Group Object Class: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapGroupObjectclass" value="group"/>

Group Object Filter: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapGroupFilter" value="(objectCategory=Group)"/>

Group Name Attribute: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapGroupName" value="cn"/>

Group Description Attribute: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapGroupDescription" value="description"/>

Membership Schema Settings

Group Members Attribute: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapGroupUsernames" value="member"/>

User Membership Attribute: <input type="TEXTO" name="ldapUserGroup"/>

Use the User Membership Attribute:

<input type="hidden" name="_ldapUsermembershipUse" value="visible"/><input type="checkbox" name="ldapUsermembershipUse" value="true"/>When finding the user's group membership

<input type="hidden" name="_ldapUsermembershipUseForGroups" value="visible"/><input type="checkbox" name="ldapUsermembershipUseForGroups" value="true"/>When finding the members of a group

0 votes
Colin Goudie
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 16, 2011

Yes please list your AD attribute mappings so we can verify.

0 votes
David at David Simpson Apps
Atlassian Partner
October 16, 2011

Silly/Obvious question: Is your email mapped correctly?

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