Get children portfolio of tickets provided by a filter

Nicolas Alberto
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February 23, 2025

Hi! I managed to get the children portfolio (all levels and from different projects) of a certain task using the following code, where XYZ-531 is a ticket level #2


parent IN ( portfolioChildIssuesOf("XYZ-531") )

Now, I would like to get all the children portfolio to use is as an input for a Jira plan.

I have a filter that returns several tickets from XYZ project and I would like to get all the children portfolio for all of them.

Is if possible to use a filter as input for the  portfolioChildIssuesOf function or is there another equivalent way to do it?

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John Funk
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February 23, 2025

Hi Nicolas - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Yes, you can use a filter with the portfolio function and base your plan on the filter. 

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