Generate Multiple Custom Charts with a Filter

Kathryn Kerr December 20, 2023

Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to create multiple custom charts using a single filter.

I'm using a Custom 2D Grouped Bar Chart by Old Street Solutions Ltd. and I have it linked to the Custom Charts Simple Search.

It works wonderfully. My question is, when I select multiple names from the filter can each person get their own chart instead of all appearing on one chart?

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Laurie Sciutti
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December 20, 2023

Hi @Kathryn Kerr and welcome to the Community!  I've tried to do this with Charts as well but they are missing a great feature that exists on the Issue List macro -- Quick Filters.  You can get a bit fancy and use the Issue List macro with Quick Filters and just limit the fields shown in the list so that it sort of resembles a chart.  I'd be curious to know if anyone else has found a way to do this with the Custom Charts add-on.  



Kathryn Kerr December 20, 2023

Thank you so much, I'll try this out :)

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Laurie Sciutti
Community Leader
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December 20, 2023

If that works, @Kathryn Kerr ~ would you reply here (or mark as Answered)?  I'm curious if you stumble upon an alternative that I may be able to use as well.  Thank you!

Kathryn Kerr December 21, 2023

Hi! It kind of worked. The filters were a lot more dynamic and it felt a lot more user friendly but because it was a list of issues instead of a visual chart it didn't match my needs for this dashboard.

I'm not sure there's a functionality like what I was looking for yet which is okay! :)

Thank you so much for your swift response, I think the solution I'm going to go with is either individually selecting the jira field or making filters (so the naming conventions are more user friendly) and individually selecting those.

I know another solution they were thinking of if this chart didn't work was creating multiple charts but having it connect to a dynamic field so if we change someone's ranking it automatically updates with a new person. Not sure if that would work for you or if it's possible either but I hope it may give you ideas for what you're needing!

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