Flag the other issue when the linked issue is DONE

Batuhan Durmaz May 10, 2024

Hello everyone,

In my project, many issues are progressing in a "Linked" way. Sometimes when linked issues are done, it becomes difficult to follow other issues and they can be forgotten. For this reason, when a linked issue is done, I want to flag the other issue that is not done. How can I do this?

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Pablo Vergara
Rising Star
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May 10, 2024

Hi @Batuhan Durmaz 

If my understanding is correct, you could use a simple Automation for Jira rule to achieve this goal.

Please refer to the attached capture with the configuration used on the rule:

Screenshot 2024-05-10 104836.png

(Reference: https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/flag-an-issue/)

I hope it helps you.

- Pablo / SSE - ServiceRocket


Batuhan Durmaz May 13, 2024

Hi Pablo, It's works well. You are great person! Thank you. Have a wonderful day.


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