Find linked stories to Epics in several projects

Robert Nolmark May 20, 2019

How can I find the Stories that are linked to the Epics that I want to see? 

Example: Different projects has labeled Epics for us to find those, but the stories are not labeled and now we want to see them as well. 

Created this JQL: issuetype in (Initiative, Epic) AND labels in (ZZZ) AND resolution = Unresolved 

How can I filter to also get the stories that are linked to the Initiatives/Epics that I'm searching for in my JQL where I don't know the Epic id's?

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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 21, 2019

Hello Robert,

I understand that you would like to to return all the issues related to the Epics you are returning in your query. Is it correct?

Unfortunately, JIRA does not have this kind of "Sub-filter" functionality to return all the issues based on their Epic query, however, there are some add-ons that you can use to return this kind of information.

The one I recommend is the JQL extensions for JIRA Cloud, which provides the parameter issuesFromEpicsInQuery to return the issues you want:

issuesFromEpicsInQuery = "issuetype in (Initiative, Epic) AND labels in (ZZZ) AND resolution = Unresolved"

For more information regarding this option, check the documentation below:

Subqueries - JQL Search Extensions for Jira Cloud

Let me know if this information helps.

Robert Nolmark May 22, 2019

Hi Goncalves,

Thanks for your answer! 

Yes that's correct understanding, I want to return all issues related to the Epics that I got in return from my query. 

Is there any other possibilities if I don't have the ability to use add-ons? Can I set up the query in another way? 

Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 22, 2019

Hello Robert,

Unfortunately, there are no options you could search the stories related to the Epics returned from a specific query natively on JIRA, as mentioned before.

The only way would be if you had the Epic issue key, so you could set it in the query as the "Epic Link":

"Epic Link" = epicname

However, you mentioned that you would like to use the query when you don't know the Epic id, so I believe this is not a useful option.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Robert Nolmark May 23, 2019

Hi Goncalves, 

So to get the issues of the Epics/Initiatives that we got in return from the query the only option is a add-on since I don't know the Epic key and it is about 150 different Epics. Is that correct understanding? 

Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 23, 2019

Hello Robert,

Yes, you understood it correctly.

Let us know if we can help you with anything else.

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