Filtering based on updated time logs (worklogDate)

Deleted user June 12, 2020

One of my groups of stakeholders wants to use time tracking on their project. They have a remote standup MWF where their Engineering Manager is interested in having the Engineers update their time tracking within 1.5 days of each standup. As a result, they have requested a filter to capture the following criteria:

  • The issue is in progress
  • The issue is assigned to a team member
  • The issue has either had no time tracked at all or the team member has not updated their time log within the last 1.5 days

The query I developed for this does not seem to be working. I think it may be because I don't correctly understand the worklogDate parameter.

Query: status = "In Progress" and assignee is not empty and (worklogDate > -1.5d or timespent is empty)

The results for this query are still showing items that have had time logged within the last 1.5 days. Any ideas where I'm going wrong?

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Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 16, 2020

Hello @[deleted] ,

 Looking at your explanation I am reading this as you want to do the following:

  1. exclude issues that have had work logged on them in the last day and a half "-1.5d" 
  2. Include all issues that have no work logged
  3. Include all issues that have work logged on them before the last day and a half "-1.5d"

First to exclude the worklogDate requires a two stage approach as the worklogDate field referance currently conflicts on Exclude opperations. Described in this BUG:

The noted workaround is to create a saved filter first that is one that looks for and identifies issues to be excluded for tickets that have at least one work log entry in the last day and a half.  Then you compound the filter into the secondary filter via a Filter != "Saved Filter 1" to successfully exclude a date range.  

Create and save a filter like the following, Noting this is going to be used in the following JQL and in my examples I saved this filter as "Worked on in last day and a half":

worklogDate >= -1.5d

Next connect that that into the timespent portion to look for and identify all issues without any logged time at all with an "OR" operator like this:

(Filter != "Worked on in last day and a half" OR timespent is empty)

and I see you already did this above in your first example but just a reminder to make sure you include the Parenthesis "()" around this portion when adding it to the rest of your filter so that the full context passes to both halves of the OR statement like this:

status = "In Progress" and assignee is not empty and (Filter != "Worked on in last day and a half" OR timespent is empty)

Give this a try and let me know if this does the trick.


Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 16, 2020

Hello again,

An Additional Note on the bug I listed above.  It is for the Server Platform, and the corresponding Cloud Bug was not yet created So I cloned it over to the Jira Cloud project for better tracking on the alternate platform version.

The Cloud Version of the Bug can be tracked here:


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