Filtering Issues - Pull through correct tickets to dashboard

Jonathan Davis
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January 14, 2025

Currently we have dahsboards for each month using various filters. The issue is that by using the "created" filter to look at only Januarys issues, its excludes tickets that have rolled over from the previous month. Is there a way to look at the data monthly but also include tickets that have rolled over from the previous month?

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Matthias Gaiser _K15t_
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January 14, 2025

Hey @Jonathan Davis

there are different possibilities for that. The main question is: Which issues do you want to see?

  • All the issues which were created in January? 
    -> use the created field
  • All the issues which were updated in January?
    -> use the updated field
  • All the issues which got resolved in Januar?
    -> use the resolved field

If you are more specific with your criteria, we can also help you come up with a more specific JQL query.


Jonathan Davis
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
January 14, 2025

Thanks Matthias, thats helpful. The problem Im facing is that sometimes we have tickets that are created in January but are put into "blocked" until March.  Then when looking at Februarys data they dont appear. Appreciate this isnt the proper use of Jira/Agile but we would like to include these tickets in our data if possible. Thanks again!


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