Filter on when an issue was commented on.

Stu January 2, 2019

Hi, I keen to get some JQL for a Quick Filter that will enable me to display which issues haven't had a new comment added to them for 20 days.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance

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Nir Haimov
Community Leader
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January 2, 2019



!(commentedOn >= startOfDay(-20))

Will give you all issues that have comments, but not in the last 20 days.

If also want issues without comments at all add

commentedOn is EMPTY


So your funal JQL is:

!(commentedOn >= startOfDay(-20)) OR commentedOn is EMPTY


Johan Soetens _Dumblefy_
Rising Star
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January 2, 2019

Very handy but commentedOn is not an out-of-the-box feature, it's from Adaptavist Scriptrunner

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Nir Haimov
Community Leader
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January 3, 2019

Yeah, forgot to mentioned it, there is no built in solution in Jira, you can achieve this only with add-ons, Scriptrunner is one of them

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Stu January 3, 2019

Great - thanks guys, I already have ScriptRunner.  cheers

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