Field has been modified Validator doesn't stop user from transitioning the issue?

Maya S Chase
Rising Star
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December 1, 2011

I have a set of workflows for I want to make sure a certain log has been filled out before the issue is closed. I added a custom URL field for the log location, and then on the last transition to Closed, I put a "field has been modified" validator on it, specifying this custom field.

Now, when I run an issue through the steps, even if I've never put anything in the custom field, I can still go all the way to Closed. I thought the validator was supposed to prevent the transition if the condition had not been fulfilled? Am I misunderstanding how this is used? Is there an issue with using it with a custom field?


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 4, 2011

That's not a standard validator - you'll need to establish where this validator is coming from and check that it works for your version of Jira. I'd also carefully check the log file to see if it's throwing any errors. And if it's something you wrote, maybe add some debugging?

Maya S Chase
Rising Star
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December 4, 2011

Ok, we looked in the regular log and in the tomcat log, and there's nothing at all. This validator is from the JIRA Misc Workflow Extensions, so it's not "standard" but it's the next best thing. We made sure the versions were compatible. Still ... no dice; it let the issue through to closed. I think this may be a bug. :(

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Maya S Chase
Rising Star
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December 4, 2011

Thanks, we'll look in the log and see what's happening.

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Gregory Sudderth
Rising Star
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December 4, 2011

I'd like to know the answer to this one too!

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