Facing problem in create issue

Rupali Petkar October 3, 2011

I am creating a issue in jira using API method createIssue. I am getting this error "com.atlassian.jira.rpc.exception.RemotePermissionException: The project specified does not exist or you don't have permission to create issues in it."

I checked all permission and roles. The user is id which create a issue have all permission still i am facing this error.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 3, 2011

Checking the user has the rights is exactly the first thing to check, but if possible, don't just look at the user's profile - log in as them into the UI and check that they can start creating an issue in the project.

Assuming permissions are correct, then the usual cause of this error is the RPC token is invalid or wrong (login authentication actually failed, but you didn't notice). Check your code to make sure the user is still valid at the time you arrive at the create line

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