Extract all the issues with status from JIRA issue collector

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November 24, 2023

1. I have a issue collector created i need to extract or see all the issues with the status and assignees on one screen , can you help me with a suggestion.


2. Also if someone has created an issue on JIRA issue collector , is there any process where he and the admin can receive an update as soon as the issue is updated?

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Brant Schroeder
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April 3, 2024

@raghav.sharma welcome to the Atlassian community

1. You can create a filter in Jira that will allow you to see all the information you are after.   https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/manage-filters/ 

2. You could use Jira automation to send a notification to them.   https://support.atlassian.com/cloud-automation/docs/jira-cloud-automation/ 

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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September 10, 2024

@raghav.sharma can you accept the answer to help others?

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