External Systems CSV Import: Risk Mitigation

Jason deLeeuw
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February 7, 2019

I need to import project (TEST) into another instance under project (EXAMPLE). I'm going to be exporting project (TEST) into a CSV. This project has over 1000 Epics, Bugs, Stories and Sub-Tasks. Note: I'm on a cloud instance. 

I would like to know how to best prepare the data so that I don't overwrite any of the 15,000 issues on project (EXAMPLE) when I import the .csv

I want to create all new issues on (EXAMPLE) with (TEST) data in place, with links to sub-tasks, stories and epics in place. Also with attachments in place.

My questions:

 1. After running a few tests, I noticed that an attachment place holder gets brought over but the actual file is not accessible. IS there a way to bring over attachments without having to reconnect them all individually. I'm guessing no, because the link is on another instance.

2. After testing import of stories and sub-tasks, I notice the Parent ID and Issue ID are crucial for linking them during the import. Do I run the chance of overwriting data on the other instance if naming is similar. Example: Would TEST-1234 overwrite EXAMPLE-1234? I've accidentally had this happen during a test import. I overwrote all issues with similar issue keys. How did that happen and can I prevent that? Was it because I tried to map the issue key?

3. Is there a way to keep all dependency links? TEST-1234 is dependent on TEST-4321. I understand this may not be possible because the ISSUE KEY is going to change for all of them on the new instance and project.


Thank you! Best


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