Export the test repository in CSV

David squinquel January 3, 2019

I would like to know if it's possible to export the test repository in CSV file and also if we can copy the test repository from a project to another project?


thank you!



5 answers

1 vote
Cheney Ma [Go2Group]
Rising Star
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January 4, 2019

Oh, sorry!

There is no way to do this between two different Jira apps. 

If you have already selected Xray as your solution and created data, you can contact Xray support from: http://xraysupport.xpand-it.com/

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Sergio Freire - Xblend
Rising Star
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July 8, 2019

Hi @David squinquel ,

what would you like to copy? Just the folder structure (i.e. the folders) or are you also thinking on copying the test cases themselves?



0 votes
David squinquel January 4, 2019

Hello Cheney, 


thank you for the quick answer.


I'm not sure that Synapse will help.


Do you have any idea how i can move or copy the test repositery from one project to another one?

Cheney Ma [Go2Group]
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 4, 2019

Yes, synapseRT can handle your use case.

You can either make a test repository (Test Cases and tree structure) be displayed in multiple projects or move the from one project to another.

Please refer to: https://doc.go2group.com/synapsert/latest/en/synapsert-ver-9-x/user-guide/test-case-management/organize-test-cases-in-test-suites/move-or-copy-test-suite-to-a-new-location

You can also request a demo from: https://www.go2group.com/synapsert/#synapse-demo

It is a good idea to compare different tools before choosing officially as your tool.

Hope it helps. 

David squinquel January 4, 2019

the fact is that we use Xray for the moment  and our test cases are already in Xray.


it's possible to export the Xray test repository to the Test repository of SynapseRT?



0 votes
David squinquel January 4, 2019

Dear Cheney,


I use XRay for the test cases but I would like to move or copy one test repository to another one.


When I'm looking to Synapse, I'm not sure that this tool can help


Any idea?


ps: thank you already for your time



0 votes
Cheney Ma [Go2Group]
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 3, 2019

Hi David,

I believe you are using some Jira plugin to do you Test Case management?

Here is a Jira plugin called synapseRT support import/export test repository and also can handle all test management activities, you may take a look:


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