Export issues with comments to Excel

JTome May 16, 2024

Last year the Export Excel CSV (all fields) allowed me to pull comments for issues.  I can prove it because I saved an old export.  Granted it was ugly because a if there were 100 comments on any one issue it added 100 comment columns to the export.  Still it was better than what I have right now, which is nothing.

Yes, I know that you can export to Word and see comments, but my boss doesn't want a 100-page report.  Yes, I know you can export to RSS with Comments, but that's a mess and not presentable to the boss.  The boss wants a simple spreadsheet with about 10 columns of data and then to see the comments (typically less than 5 comments per issue) with each issue.

Yes, I know there are marketplace apps out there that will do this quite nicely and we've looked at them.  Unfortunately, we only need to make this report a few times each year and it doesn't warrant spending $3000 each year on an app.

So, are there any other ways that I haven't stumbled across to get issue data with comments to Excel for free or less than $500/year?

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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May 17, 2024

If you can invest time into that, then develop a script that gets the issue and its comments from the corresponding REST API endpoints, and compiles a spreadsheet from those.

It costs time (it isn't extremely complicated though), but no money.

JTome May 17, 2024

I'm not a developer.  My time is money from both my perspective and my employer.

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