Error while commenting on issue from activity stream

Moshe Hajaj November 8, 2011

I'm checking the new release 4.4.3 on our test system these days.

Whenever I try to comment from the Activity Stream (including the gadget), I get this error:

An unknown error occurred while submitting your comment

and in the log file:

2011-11-09 01:35:28,565 http-6060-1 WARN moshe 95x14x1 1nsmgjf, /plugins/servlet/streamscomments streams.internal.servlet.StreamsCommentsServlet Logged an error while posting comment: REMOTE_POST_REPLY_ERROR

How can I fix that?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 13, 2011

Make sure that the Base URL is correct at 'Administration >> System >> General Configuration'

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